Telehealth is utilized across numerous medical specialties and a wide range of health and allied health professions. The American Medical Association has published a paper titled  Telehealth Use Across Medical Specialties which offers an insightful overview of various common and effective applications. 
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics has developed a number of resources that provide very practical assistance with the implementation of telehealth, including a Toolkit on Promoting Telehealth.
  • The AAP also has a Section on Telehealth Care as a forum for pediatricians and other health care prvoiders interested in collecting, analyzing, discussing and disseminating current practices and charting new directions for pediatric telehealth care through education, research, advocacy and policy development.
    • SPROUT is a multicentered collaborative research network dedicated to establishing an evidence base for pediatric telehealth.
  • The American Academy of Family Physicians has developed a number of resources that provide very practical assistance with telehealth, including sections on Telehealth Basics, Workflow and Operations, and Billing and Coding.
  • The American Academy of Neurology has created a compendium of telehealth resources for its members, including a Guide to Practicing Teleneurology.