Research & Evidence Base

A growing body of research and publications exists for school-based telehealth. The Northeast Telehealth Resource Center maintains a Telehealth Library.   This searchable database is free to access for all.  Some recommended search terms include "school" & "school-based".

This NAPNAP article: Study Reveals Implementation of Telehealth in School-based Health Care Setting Provides Large Beneficial Impact is a great place to get started in understanding the research and evidence base for school based telehealth.

The Society for Education and the Advancement of Research in Connected Health (SEARCH) started in 2016 as a small team of academics, researchers and clinical professionals. SEARCH has developed into a society with a goal to promote connected health programs through the use of evidenced-based research.  Within SEARCH, there is a pediatric subgroup with some interest in working with school-based projects.

This January 2018 survey of existing programs gives an excellent overview of some models and scopes of care that may be helpful. This was produced by Mathematica Policy Research and AcademyHealth on behalf of CMS.